We each have equal worth.

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A little about me and the aims of my work:

I’m a political activist with a strong interest in human rights, equality and socioeconomic policy. I’m also a strongly principled anarcho-socialist. Much of my campaign work is in support of people with disability. I am also disabled: I have an autoimmune illness called lupus, with a sometimes life-threatening complication – a bleeding disorder called thrombocytopenia. The illness also affects my nervous system, including my optic nerves, (neuritis) leading to periods of severe pain and loss of eyesight. I have neuropathy, widespread tendonitis and quite severe secondary Raynaud’s. All of that means I may be unable to write much sometimes, but I’ll do my best.

Sometimes I long to go back to being the person I was before 2010. The Coalition claimed that the last government left a “mess”, but I remember being very well-sheltered from the consequences of the global banking crisis by the last government – enough to flourish and be myself. Now many of us are finding that our potential as human beings is being stultified because we are essentially focused on a struggle to survive, due to the cuts and welfare “reforms”. It’s not a good time to be ill and disabled, or in need of financial assistance.

I worked with vulnerable young people in the community, and supported those experiencing mental health problems in particular. I became too ill to work in 2010, and miss my work very much. I have witnessed the savage demolition of our social services provision, mental health and youth and community services under the Tory-led government. Michael Gove quietly repealed Labour’s Every Child Matters legislation the day after this government were elected. It was the most comprehensive child protection and welfare policy we have ever had, now it’s gone.

Maslow was right about basic needs and motivation: it’s impossible to achieve and fulfil our potential if we cannot meet our most fundamental survival needs adequately.

And what kind of government inflicts a framework of punishment via its anti-welfare policies on citizens? Our post-war settlement is being dismantled – the welfare state, the NHS, legal aid and social housing, all eroded and almost gone.

With the hierarchical ranking in terms of “deserving” and “undeserving” poor, the artificial and imposed framework of previously debunked Social Darwinism: a Tory rhetoric of division, where some people’s worth matters more than others, how do we, as conscientious campaigners, help the wider public see that there are no divisions based on some moral measurement, or character-type: there are simply people struggling and suffering in poverty, people are being stigmatised and dehumanised by a callous, vindictive Tory government that believes, and always has, that the only token of our human worth is wealth?

Governments and all parties on the right have a terrible tradition of scapegoating those who are least able to fight back, blaming the powerless for all of the shortcomings and consequences of right-wing policies. The media have been complicit in this process, making “others” responsible for the consequences of Tory-led policies, yet these previously protected social outgroups are now the targeted casualties of those policies.

I have set up and administrate support groups for ill and disabled people, those going through the new Kafkaesque disability benefits process, and provide support for many people being adversely affected by the terrible, cruel and distressing consequences of the Governments’ draconian “reforms”. In such bleak times, we tend to find that the only thing we really have of value is each other. It’s always worth remembering that none of us are alone.

I don’t write because I enjoy it: most of the topics I post are depressing to research, and there’s an element of constantly having to face and reflect the relentless worst of current socio-political events. Seems that every month we reach a new low. Nor do I get paid for articles and I’m not remotely famous. I’m an ordinary, struggling working-class disabled person, who went to university, and so can manage a degree of critical thinking and analysis.

I am accurate, insightful and reflective, I can research, review and analyse. I have a formal academic education that’s grounded in the social sciences, my particular interests are sociology and social psychology. I also studied social policy and have a basic grasp of economics and law. I aim to make the theoretical frameworks and key concepts of those disciplines as accessible as I can to a broad audience.

I also aim to engage other relevant organisations, such as the United Nations, sending evidence of policies that don’t observe our  human rights, and accounts of our collective experiences. I lobby opposition MPs regarding policy, too.

But mostly, I write because I feel I must. To reflect what is happening, and to try and raise public awareness of the dire impact of Tory policies, especially on some of the most vulnerable and poorest citizens. Because we all need this to change, regardless of whether or not you are currently affected by cuts, because the persecution and harm currently being inflicted on others taints us all as a society.

I feel that the mainstream media has become increasingly unreliable over the past five years, reflecting a triumph of the dominant narrative of ultra social conservatism and neoliberalism. We certainly need to challenge this, to expand and re-frame the presented, much-reduced debates. The media tend to set the agenda and establish priorities, which often divert us from much more pressing social issues.

Independent bloggers have a role as witnesses; recording events and experiences, gathering evidence, insights and truths that are accessible to as many people and organisations as possible. We have an undemocratic media and a government that reflect the interests of a minority – the wealthy and powerful 1%. We must constantly challenge that. Authoritarian Governments arise and flourish when a population disengages from political processes, and becomes passive, conformist and alienated from fundamental decision-making.

I’m not a writer that aims at being popular or one that seeks agreement from an audience. But I do hope that my work finds resonance with people reading it. I’ve been labelled “controversial” on more than one occasion, and a “scaremonger” (mostly by the right-wing). But regardless of agreement, if any of my work inspires critical thinking, and invites reasoned debate, well, that’s good enough for me.

To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all” – Elie Wiesel

I write to raise awareness, share information and to inspire and promote positive change where I can. I’ve never been indifferent. I have a long history of political campaigning and active Trade Unionism. I would like to work cooperatively with others, too, regardless of personal or partisan interests, because collaboration and cooperation on our mutual aims and issue-based work is essential, if we are to make any difference. And we really need to.

Like many others, I do what I can, when I can, and in my own way. This blog is one way of reaching people. Please help me to reach more by sharing posts.

Thanks.466491_336672576368125_672934962_o (1)
More about me: Saturday interview by Phil, who is A Very Public SociologistAll That Is Solid.

More recently I have also joined the team of writers at Welfare Weekly.

About my site – Kittysjones.wordpress.com is ranked 41st in the world (amongst the 30 million domains). A low-numbered rank means that this website gets lots of visitors. This site is relatively popular among users in the United States. It gets 20.8% of its traffic from the United States . This site is estimated to be worth $606343462. This site has a good Pagerank(3/10). It has 8 backlinks with 8 being the highest rank. Kittysjones.wordpress.com has 71% seo score.”

See – https://kittysjones.wordpress.com.webstatsdomain.org/



To join the Labour Party:

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I don’t make any money from my work. I am disabled because of illness and have a very limited income. But you can help by making a donation to help me continue to research and write informative, insightful and independent articles, and to provide support to others. The smallest amount is much appreciated – thank you.

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13 thoughts on “We each have equal worth.

  1. Hi

    My name is Kevin Gillespie, I do, MUCH prefer to be called Kev though. I live in Cardiff. :).

    I am now Following your Blog. :).

    Incidentally. I am a Wheelchair User. ).

    Best Wishes. 🙂


  2. Thank-you for a brilliant site I have had an assessment today!& just found your site, I dont know!! I was assessed by a Dr! & I suffer with anxiety!my support worker came along & was very helpful! who knows!! he commented on my anxiety as I was in a bit of a state! & seemed to make lots of notes above & beyond just box ticking exercise! I felt!! I did tell him I do want to work which is very true as I have worked for 45 yrs! & he looked & said! sort of not directly to me just a comment to me & support worker “not yet” & carried on typing,very nice guy’but of course I understand he is not Judge&Jury!! I feel a lot better now meeting out of the way whatever the outcome & very lucky with the support I have! Thank you again for a spot on! site!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really appreciate your research and writing Kitty. I was wondering if you were aware that the UK’s National Service Bill, conscription has had its first reading in the House of Commons. “A bill reintroducing national service, or conscription, in the UK has been put forward for discussion in parliament. The legislation would make it mandatory for 18-26-year-olds to participate in military or charitable service for a period of one year.” (Source RT) The second reading is now scheduled for February 28, 2014. You can read the Bill here: http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2013-14/nationalservice.html I would love to hear your comments upon this given that mass unemployment of our youth provides many willing and able bodies that sadly may well see this as a good thing. ‘Tis a very dire state of affairs how this beautiful sacred land and country is bein purposefully ruined and run into the ground on all levels. I thank you for all that you do to bring to bring forth information and knowledge to shed light on our world. Indeed we each have equal worth and voices to be heard. Blessings to you all.


  4. Hi Kitty,

    I’ve only read one of your blog posts and your ‘about me’ but I’ve got to say your words have brought me to tears.

    I too suffer with physical and mental health difficulties and I too feel that the Conservatives are destroying (- understatement) lives for such trivial and absurd reasons, mainly wealth and power/control. I too believe that we have to ‘fight’ back and inform society of the truth of what the Tories and their complicit media are doing.

    Is there anything I can do to help? I’m a Psychology graduate so I’m fairly capable at Research and Critical Analysis. I live in Hull, I would love to meet you, you’re an inspiration and I want to help. I’m fed up of being powerless, of what has, is and will continue to happen. I believe that change can happen, that it doesn’t have to be this way, I believe in people.

    My belief in people is the strongest it has ever been since I found your blog.

    I would love to meet/chat with you about what I can do to help.

    I hope you’re okay and doing as well as possible.Thank you for your blog, I can’t express enough just how much it has meant to me finding your blog, how much it has meant finding you.

    Thank you.


  5. Thanks for the follow Kitty. You are doing some good work with this site.
    I stopped posting political stuff on beetleypete, and instead started an ‘occasional’ blog here. https://redflagflying.wordpress.com/
    I used to follow Vox Political, but grew tired of all the regular Blairites ganging up on me, when they didn’t like a comment I made. It was amusing at first, but then it got depressing.
    Good luck with your blog, and the activism.
    Best wishes from Norfolk, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m focusing on the myths that the tories cunningly gained office with: welfare, the economy, personal smear campaigns, nationalism, and also, outlining and exposing the techniques they use as best I can.

      Although I’m a staunch labour supporter, I won’t be writing much on the leadership debate until it’s settled. Although I am firmly to the left, I’ve found that being expressively partisan doesn’t endear 🙂 I too have been attacked – and by people claiming to be “socialists” as well as those on the right. Time for new and smarter tactics for me I think. People are not rational when it comes to politics, unfortunately, no matter how we may choose to be.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Good luck with your hopes and aspirations Kitty. I wish you well.
    I am no longer a Labour supporter, as I was expelled, for being in Militant Tendency. If Alan Johnson had become the leader, i might have campaigned for them once again, but he didn’t.
    I do vote Labour though, for want of any alternative. However, living in East Anglia, it is little more than an unseen protest vote, in a region where UKIP beat Labour into second place, behind the Tories.
    Regards from Norfolk. Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

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