Jobseekers are being coerced into experimental drug trials dressed up as “job opportunities”


In December last year, David Cameron announced that it was: simply a waste to have a health service like the NHS and not use the data it generatedLet me be clear, this does not threaten privacy”, he reassured us, “it doesn’t mean anyone can look at your health records, but it does mean using anonymous data to make new medical breakthroughs”.

Cameron often inadvertently signposts the coming of a diabolical lie with the phrase “let me be clear”, as we know. We also know that so-called anonymisation of data offers no protection at all to identities and personal details. Campaigners described the plan as an “unprecedented threat” to confidentiality, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt says, rather worryingly, that it will be a boon to research.

It’s common knowledge that many Coalition MPs and Peers are heavily financially invested in pharmaceutical and health care companiesOver 200 parliamentarians have recent past or present financial links with, and vested interests in companies involved in healthcare and all were allowed to vote on the Health and Social Care Bill. The Tories have normalised corruption and made it almost entirely legal. Our democracy and civic life are now profoundly compromised as a result of corporate and financial power colonising the State, and vice versa.

The Health and Social Care Bill, 2012, has a telling insertThe Secretary of State’s duty as to research, which is: “In exercising functions in relation to the health service, the Secretary of State must promote – (a) research on matters relevant to the health service, and (b) the use in the health service of evidence obtained from research”.

And also very worryingly: (1) The National Patient Safety Agency is abolished. (2) The National Patient Safety Agency (Establishment and Constitution) Order 2001 (S.I. 2001/1743) is revoked. (3) In section 13 of the NHS Redress Act 2006 (scheme authority’s duties of co-operation), omit subsection (2)

So we must ponder just how coincidental it is that Jobseekers are now being coerced into experimental drug trials, or risk benefit sanctions, as the trials are being dressed up as “job opportunities”.

People claiming Jobseekers Allowance while searching for new employment are being forced to accept ever-worsening working conditions or to join exploitative Government work programmes in desperate attempts to survive, as our civilised social safety nets and lifeline benefits are being torn away by a draconian and authoritarian Government.

The rising number of unemployed and underemployed citizens of the UK are having their desperation to survive exploited, enticed into zero hour contracts, workfare and now, clinical trials. My revulsion at this Government is at an all time absolute. It is surely time for the UK public to say enough is enough.

Jobseekers using the Government’s new job website – the Universal JobMatch – have been receiving multiple messages from the service inviting them to apply for jobs, only to find that these “employment opportunities” are actually clinical trials.

JC1                                 Please click on screen capture image to enlarge.

Mr Chris Morgan wrote to Scriptonite Daily, he was the first to flag up this concern. He said:

I was dumbfounded, shocked and so angry that my government would send me on clinical trials…I didn’t think I’d be put out to pasture this early in my life, to go and become a lab rat”.

Chris lives with his partner and two children aged 9 and 11, and has been seeking work since losing his role in Health and Safety for retail giant Marks and Spencers in November 2012.  He had been with the company for five years before being dismissed. He has subscribed to Universal JobMatch in the hopes of finding employment.

He logged on this morning to find five jobs recommended to him by the Government’s online job service. He said that he has been left feeling “sick to my stomach” after realising the Government considers participation in a clinical trial for £100 a day as his best current option of “employment”.JC2                                               Click on screenshot to enlarge

My UK job site lists: “Paid Clinical Trials – Permanent – to earn over £100 a day

There are more listed “jobs” listed here. Posted on the site by Covance. (Please see footnote for more information).

Chris is now concerned that by declining this recommendation he would be considered as turning down an “employment opportunity” and therefore stand to lose his “eligibility to claim social security.”

Here, we are seeing the development of a distinctly anti-welfare system which vigorously and absolutely exploits the most vulnerable citizens, and treats anyone unfortunate enough to find themselves unemployed, or inadequately employed, or disabled with utter contempt, stripping them of dignity. People are now expected to work for free, move out of their home if their children have a bedroom each, rely on charities for food, whilst Government ministers such as Michael Gove and Iain Duncan Smith claim with an utter poverty of moral responsibility that it’s all their own fault.

Most of us learned from history – the Victorian era and the Poor Law Reform – that poverty is NOT caused by the poor, but rather, by reckless Governments, their draconian ideology and poor economic decision-making. The punitive Poor Law Reform Act was based on the same claims of “making work pay” as the current Government’s welfare reforms are.

Tory “facts” are seen through a lens of pre-conceptions and ideology. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation choose to study poverty. Cynical Iain Duncan Smith simply changes the definition of itWhat kind of society is this where poor people risk prosecution if they scavenge in bins for scraps, and now, where they are being forced into trialing experimetal drugs, under the threat of sanctions and subsequent starvation and destitution if they refuse.

I had some dialogue earlier with the International Human Rights Commission about this matter of serious concern, because of implications for the Human Rights of jobseekers.

Sir-Kurt Alleyne, International Human Rights Commission Ambassador for the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland stated:

I am greatly concerned that the Coalition Government have felt it’s justified to place Clinical Trial “Test Subjects” among persons Universal JobMatch (Job Searches). These are highly contentious and are in fact at times openly a direct risk to health and have been known to lead to irreversible negative health implications. As many are highly aware, refusing work will cause the DWP to Sanction a persons Claim. To offer any such positions to persons indicates that the government ministers responsible for authorizing this have felt that those desperate to find employment will place themselves in harms way to satisfy quotas required that enable a person to receive benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance ( JSA )”.

Sir Kurt Alleyne has called upon His Excellency World Chairman Amb Dr-Shahid Amin Khan, Ihrc Hq and the High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Countries Ambassador, John G Raciti, and asked that support be given in these matters as a matter of duty in protecting Commonwealth Citizens, due to the:

“further serious implications being levied against Benefit Claimants. This furthers the already unacceptable manner in which persons are being treated and is unacceptable. This is forcing people to become test subjects if they cannot find suitable other employment on grounds DWP will in fact be able to Sanction a Claim for ‘Refusing Employment'”.

Sir-Kurt Alleyne further stated:

At this time I fully believe that use should be made of the request from UN Special Rapporteur Ms. Rolnik. Whilst undertaking her recent Fact Finding Mission relating to Bedroom Tax which she is reportedly going to recommend its immediate removal, she has provided contact detail so matters relating to ESA, WCA, IC, SDA and other similar matters can be sent too her. I believe this should be fully utilized”.

An initial contact memorandum is to be written this morning. John H Ractiti said that the problem needs assessing [in terms of the full context] and solutions offered to help ease the pressure on millions of people, and tens of thousands of families within the Commonwealth.

At this point in time discussion about these concerns and strategic planning for support networks also to be sourced and introduce is taking place. This morning I will write to the shadow Cabinet to inform them of these very serious and extremely worrying developments.

Our Human Rights are a precious and valuable safeguard against the horrors of exploitation and persecution. They arose in response to the atrocities committed during the War and the Holocaust. The International Community sought to define the rights and freedoms necessary to secure the dignity and worth of each individual. Ratified by the United Kingdom, one of the first countries to do so, in 1951, those Human Rights originally established in the Universal Declaration have been steadily eroded since the Coalition gained Office. There’s a clear link between high levels of inequality and failure of Government’s to recognise human rights, and to implement them in policies.

Economic, social and cultural rights are recognised and protected in international and regional human rights instruments. Member states have a legal obligation to respect, protect and fulfil economic, social and cultural rights and are expected to take “progressive action” towards their fulfilment. The right to an adequate standard of living. However, the Government’s welfare “reforms” clearly violate this fundamental human right, and we are seeing a significant and substantial increase in economic discrimination and exploitation of the most vulnerable social groups.

Authoritarians view the rights of the individual, (including those considered to be human rights by the international community), as subject to the needs of the Government. Of course in democracies, Government’s are elected to represent and serve the needs of the population. Democracy is not only about elections. It is also about distributive and social justice. The quality of the democratic process, including transparent and accountable Government and equality before the law, is critical. Façade democracy occurs when liberalisation measures are kept under tight rein by elites who fail to generate political inclusion. See Corporate power has turned Britain into a corrupt state  and also Huge gap between rich and poor in Britain is the same as Nigeria and worse than Ethiopia, UN report reveals.

In the UK, democracy is clearly being deliberately dismantled. It is unacceptable that vulnerable groups are being subjected to such ruthless exploitation at the hands of the Government and their corporate bedfellows. It’s time to be very, very worried. We must fight this unravelling of our civilisation and regression of our hard-earned social development. We really must.

I am suddenly and horribly reminded of Josef Mengele, infamous for performing human experiments on Nazi concentration camp inmates, including children, for which he was called the “Angel of Death”. He was also one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of arriving transports of prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced laborer.

Godwin’s law has been repealed. The UK Coalition have severely restricted its credible and legitimate scope for application.

We are certainly climbing Allport’s Ladder.


If you have had any experiences regarding similar exploitative job suggestions, or unfair benefit sanctions, negative experiences with Atos and the WCA and any other issue related to welfare reform, please do share them with the UNHRC.

Raquel Rolnik also wants to know about any experiences you have had involving not being allowed or able to speak out, as is your democratic right. These experiences, for example, may include being stopped from speaking out on the streets at events or meetings, as well as being restrained or curtailed during a protest or demonstration.

I think that the poll tax-styled council tax benefit cuts are also having a dire impact on many people and this would be worth including, too. As would any experience with difficulties accessing legal aid, as that reform also breaches Article 6(1) of the European Convention of Human Rights: the right to a fair trial.

Raquel Rolnik’s email address is:

You can also write to:
His Excellency Mr Ban Ki Moon
United Nations Secretary-General
UN Headquarters
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York, NY 10017

See also: Government wrongs, Human Rights and a call for evidence from Raquel Rolnik


Pharma trial jobs      Pharma 2 
Screen shots of Covance advertisement on My Jobs U.

Click to enlarge image.

More examples of Covance advertisements on the Simply Hired UK site, and the experimental drug trials are listed as “jobs and vacancies” here. It is extremely worrying that clinical trials are being described and presented as permanent paid work by the Government’s online job service. It’s not the only time that the Coalition’s Universal Jobmatch website has caused concern. In August, the site advertised six jobs for dancers, table-top dancers, and entertainment dancers, in an American style lap-dancing club in Norwich.

The venue hiring is the Sugar & Spice American table dancing club, which describes itself on its website as offering its customers a “unique experience” that is “compared to the out-dated traditional gentlemen’s or strip club”. As well as offering “main-stage entertainment,” it says it offers “private dances in our basement booths or on one of [our] dance beds from topless to fully nude”.

The adverts on the taxpayer-funded website have been greeted with outrage. Quite properly so. Labour MP Stella Creasy told The Independent  that the Government-endorsed vacancies were “degrading”. She said “No one should be asked to expose themselves in that way or face a sanction [having their benefit stopped].”

People claiming jobseeker’s allowance are required to use the one-year-old site to look for work or can risk losing their benefit. Furthermore, people risk sanctions of up to three years if they are deemed to fail in meeting strict criteria for eligibility, which includes a required amount of job searching, and applications for work. Some posts are “recommended” by job centre plus advisers on the system, and must be followed up. If claimants don’t apply for those recommended posts, they are sanctioned.

I found some further information about the company widely advertising clinical drug trials as “jobs”. In the 1990s, Covance performed studies sponsored by the tobacco industry claiming that even extreme exposure to secondhand smoke was safe for humans. According to the Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service, second-hand smoke substantially increases the risks of lung cancer and heart disease. Covance internal documents from 2002 discuss a “Philip Morris/Covance Project Team” for studies. At a November 2005 tobacco trade-group conference in Manila, Philippines, Covance’s presentation was entitled: “How Can Covance Support Research and Development Needs of the Tobacco Industry?”

Covance became the subject of controversy following allegations in 2003–2005 by the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals that non-human primates were being abused in its laboratories in Germany and the United States.

Covance, also known as Hazleton Laboratories in 1989, was also at the centre of a major scandal involving release of a strain of the Ebola virus. In November 1989 at the Hazleton Primate Quarantine Unit in Reston, Virginia, lab monkeys were found to have carried Ebola virus from the Philippines. The U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention intervened to “eradicate” the infected animals, burn the complex down, and avoided a potentially disastrous outbreak.

Afterwards, in February 1990, a number of infected monkeys were shipped to Hazleton facilities in both Virginia and Texas. This strain was also found to be airborne. More Reston ebolavirus infected monkeys were discovered in 1992 in Siena, Italy and at the Texas Hazleton facility again in March 1996. Curiously, the personnel that were infected remained “asymptomatic”, according to reports. But generally, this disease has a high mortality rate.

In June 2005 Covance filed a lawsuit in the United States against People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the investigator for fraud, breach of employee contract, and “conspiracy to harm the company’s business by deceitfully infiltrating and videotaping the … facility.” The company filed a parallel lawsuit in England in an attempt to stop PETA showing the tape; the British judge called the footage “highly disturbing,” and ruled that there was a legitimate public interest in the material being shown.

Covance USA – drug tests on primates filmed undercover by PETA

“We can judge the heart of men by their treatment of animals” –  Immanuel Kant.

“The Coalition Government is determined to secure and expand the UK’s position as an international hub for innovation, medical science and research and in the last 12 months has generated more than £1 billion industry and private sector investment. The Prime Minister will use his visit to the US to meet with CEOs and senior figures from leading pharmaceutical companies, including Johnson & Johnson, Baxter, Covance and Pfizer. The meeting will focus on the UK’s life sciences sector and initiatives such a genomics and dementia research”.

A policy advisory group – The Ministerial Industry Strategy Group – is co-chaired by the Secretary of State for Health and the Chairman of the British Pharma Group, and aims to promote a “strong and profitable UK-based bio-pharmaceutical industry capable of sustained research”.

Further reading:
Profit over and above human need  – “The drug companies will get away with whatever they can get away with within the law to look after the interests of their shareholders. But they couldn’t get away with these things were it not for members of my profession being willing to collude with them and put patients in second place”: unfavourable results from medical trials are being withheld, MPs warn

Thanks to Robert Livingstone for his art work

69 thoughts on “Jobseekers are being coerced into experimental drug trials dressed up as “job opportunities”

  1. Simply taking the name and address off of data doesn’t make it anonymous. If a medical insurer wants to search for 56 yo males with a history of depression, hayfever, an allergy to penicillin, an ex-smoker and currently taking antibiotic drugs, that would probably only return one result. They would then know any other pieces of your medical records that they hadn’t asked you about, like for instance any admissions to A & E in your twenties, any other allergies, your BP every time you’d ever had an annual checkup, any visa medical you’d ever had ,…


  2. I’d tone the Nazi thing down a bit because there’s a danger of trivialising WW2 Nazi Holocaust & Genocide …..however with this sort of uber corporatism …..the powers that be are dabbling in very dangerous areas ….there are fine lines that can easily be crossed .

    That Monster site just mirrors things that come up on the internet anyway …..there was a time when such medical trials were just a student thing …they were never advertised in papers or JCP+ offices …as casual work …I’ve never known anyone being a ” professional ” lab rat .

    Secondly if anyone has had any MH / Psychological problems / traumatic experiences in the past …visits to a hospital for physical health problems etc ….these firms wouldn’t touch potential applicants with a barge pole ….as they are frightened of litigation ….and if someone lied on a application form to get accepted , it would be someone’s fault .

    I’m also worried about people being sanctioned for supposedly being too picky or ” not trying hard enough ” with this poisonous pressurised JCP / DWP culture .


    1. There are professional Lab rats, who go regularly year after year – in fact. Covance treats their lab rats as employees and give a present after so many years. I knew a lab rat personally. An idiot in my view. Luckily, as you note, you have to be quite healthy to be able to go for these tests.

      But, lets be clear about this, the Nazi’s didn’t start out full on. They sneaked in, watered down their aims and ambitions. Starting underhand and covert only to release the full aspects of what they were doing when they were to powerful to be ousted.

      This is why the human Rights Bill started. Because of the insidious nature of their rule. It can so easily happen again. Easily.

      If you ever get sick you will understand.


      1. Yes, spot on Helen. And in America it’s a common phenomenon. People over there were paid for giving blood, without declaring drug addictions or other “risky” behaviours, and because of the absence of safeguards to test donated blood, this led to people being infected with Hep and HIV, some in the UK received contaminated blood and blood “products”. For example, over a 100 pregnant women in Ireland with rhesus negative blood were given infected (Hep C) antigen D shots. Many babies were also infected, this happened during the late 80s.

        And I am sick, and do understand, I see only too well how easily it may happen again. It’s a process of steadily pushing boundaries, to make the unthinkable plausible, justifiable and sooner or later, real. Allport’s ladder.


      2. Funny you should mention Covance… I ended up following the “jobs” in clinical trial trail all the way to their door! That prompted some research into their background and I note the lack of ethical behaviour previously. Covance have widely advertised on job sites and pages, which is VERY worrying. Add to that the current sanctions culture of job centre plus and we really are seeing a massive potential exploitation going on here. Then there are the Government commitments (written into law, too) to promote clinical research and the pharma industry….

        And this is NOT conspiracy theory


      3. Even if the site does only mirror ‘jobs’ offered elsewhere, if the DWP bears any responsibility for respondents they ‘encourage’, a subsidiary point may be whether the DWP has a strict duty of care to ensure anyone applying via their site of the existence of

        and all dangers associated with over-volunteering, especially if under duress.


  3. I do understand the sensitivity around the nazi comparison as it has been historically overused and abused. But invoking Reductio ad Hitlerum or Godwin’s Law would be unreasonable where such a comparison is appropriate and reasonable, as it is in this case. (For example, in discussions of the dangers involved in eugenics, persecution and stigmatisation of any social group, or tolerance of racist and nationalist political parties, and propaganda campaigns used to promote and justify any of these). Drawing parallels with ideologies does not trivialise events. And as Allport’s ladder illustrates very well, genocide is legitimised in stages. Recognition of this process is essential, in my opinion.

    If you look at Allport’s analysis of how prejudice develops and leads to extermination of social groups (it was an explanation of how the Holocaust happened), you will recognise why I have drawn the parallel, as have other commentators. We are already seeing propaganda and stigmatisation of groups, and legislation that is discriminatory and excluding.

    We have a government that wants to rid us of our human rights laws. Those basic rights are not being observed and nor are they being incorporated into policies. Human rights were originally drawn up to ensure that the Holocaust never happens again. This is not a government that means us well.

    Allport’s ladder:

    Ascribing evil or negative motives and behaviours to a whole group/class of people – such as “fraud” “fecklessness” and so on is happening every day in the media. On the ladder of prejudice, the steps may be short between speaking against a group and attacking it physically. Legalisation of prejudice is already happening, our welfare reforms violate numerous human rights and our own Equality Act.


    1. We must also remember that the atrocities committed by the Nazis meant that a lot of human rights ‘benchmarking’ makes reference to that time. For example the ‘following orders is not an excuse’ refers to concentration camp guards. The comparisons to Hitler’s Germany are quite valid, and people should realise that no-one is saying anything about a new holocaust or anything so extreme, but they are noticing similarities (which may not be as extreme), and are concerned about where this could lead us. After all, we should always ask ourselves how it was allowed to happen in 1930’s Germany.


      1. Yes, I’ve raised the same points and talked about Allport’s Ladder, which outlines the stages of prejudice. We can certainly see parallels there. And yes, our human rights arose in the first place to make sure the Holocaust never happens again.

        There have been over 11, 000 deaths associated with the Government welfare reforms so far. The Government have refused to investigate this and denied that this massive increase (from 310 as a previous average) – particularly amongst sick and disabled people – is related to their policy.


    1. I’ve added some detail regarding the current Government incentives, written into law, to promote research and the pharmaceutical industry, and you may draw your own inferences from that.


  4. Should we really be surprised at this – just look back at Ewan Cameron [David’s grandfather] to see the legacy of euthanasia he championed . All these Toffs in power are without morals,ethics or integrity – money is their god


    1. Yes, we have come upon strange and frightening times. Though the Tories have reduced my capacity for surprise these days, they nonetheless manage to shock me deeply at least a couple of times every week


  5. YES kittyjones and to give the general public the benefit of the doubt ( I do despair about the lack of response/support/opposition to what is happening and angry that people believe the propaganda and spin.) Is it because these extreme policies are beyond the imaginings of most ordinary decent people. Is it that we have ingrained in our psyche a sense of fairness and equality that was fought for over many years and cannot accept this would be eroded in this way? Is it fact because people simply do not care? Is that people are just totally overwhelmed with all that is happening? Perhaps a mix of many things? Until it actually happens to them I fear a lot of people will never believe the truth. That is why your brilliant articles, (THANK YOU) people sharing them and campaigning are so important but then again could that also could be stopped with the lobbying bill?


  6. ”I’d tone the Nazi thing down a bit because there’s a danger of trivialising WW2 Nazi Holocaust & Genocide ”

    Well that’s how it starts, by toning it down a bit, let’s just sweep it under the carpet, let’s not talk about it, they might get upset for comparing them to Nazis.

    And that’s how it started in Nazi Germany, people were to scared to critisise the regime, in case Adolf got upset.

    We don’t have the luxury of turning our heads the other way, waiting and watching with folded arms till it happens to me before I say anything.

    We must compare and like Pastor Niemoller speak out now before it’s to late, this unacceptable abuse of human rights in this country has gone on to long, it’s time we did something about it.

    Give the Conservatives five more years in power and it won’t be long before anyone they don’t like the look off will be picked up at 4 in the morning and taken to an experimental centre or a concentration camp.

    Think I’m kidding ? so did the Jews, Gypsies and Communists in Germany 1933.

    Hitler once said ”The Jews used to laugh at me” and he added ”Well they’re not laughing now” so don’t laugh or trivialise what this Government are doing, because what has happened before can happen again and it will happen again if we don’t speak out now…believe me.

    Disabled and sick people – who can’t defend themselves – in this country have been abused for over four years by this and the last Government, and nothing has been done about it, you are next… have been warned.

    So don’t come to me in five years time and say Hey…guess what ? I didn’t listen to you way back then, and now I’m in a prison camp for criticising the Government, I would never have believed it would come to this !!.

    Remember…you have been warned.


  7. For anybody who is worried about getting a sanction for not applying for a universal job match vacancy. Whilst they may be able to make it mandatory to have an account they CANNOT make it mandatory to see your account. Go to profile anrd tick for dwp not to have access. They won’t see what you apply for or not (only your advisor can put a sanction through). If you choose to do this then you must take to appts a written jsearch. But at least that way you choose what they see.

    The only jobs you have to apply for is one in saved jobs with a blue dot as that is one your adviser has directed you to apply to. But without access there will be no Blue dot jobs. Therefore no sanction.


  8. Anyone who reads any 20th century history and particularly the era around the 1900’s to 1930’s will see that Adolf Hitler basically did what the rest of the political elite were in fact discussing.
    Eugenics or the purifying of the human race was high on the agenda of many countries at this time and well supported by many famous people including Churchill and Keynes (yes him the Financial genius , why pay for poor sub-humans).
    Forced sterilisation of “mentally impaired” people was carried out well into the 1960’s by a lot of countries including the USA, Canada and Australia, Mentally impaired could be a simple case of not being able to read or write properly.
    The “importance” of a person or race was based on their “Breeding” i.e the rich were natural leaders as their bloodline was pure and therefore superior to any other class and therefore all policies should reflect and promote their wellbeing.
    Several groups of Eugenic supporters proposed extermination of “unsuitable races” well before Hitler was involved in politics, and in many cases countries tried to impose immigration rules to ensure their countries were not “polluted” by inferior beings.
    Eugenics only became a dirty word after Hitler used the American enforced sterilisation programme as an excuse for his own deeds in this area.
    Whilst Hitler took it to the extreme and actually carried out mass exterminations it was well on the minds of the political and wealthy elite, and who knows had WW2 never happened how far down this road would these people had gone with their “racial purity” ideas.

    Compare policies now and back then and we have a similar situation, a political wealthy elite are again telling us how only “strivers” are worthy of our sympathies.

    Strivers in this sense does not mean those who are working hard, one can work hard and
    still be poor and new rules are coming in with Universal Credit to once again punish those who fail to work longer or earn more as they are obviously still incapable of becoming citizens of worth

    Strivers in the minds of this government are those earning £100k plus from upper middle classes who are obviously the only people in this country worth supporting and who should be protected from the excesses of the lazy scrounging working classes riding on their coattails and dragging them down.

    Poor people do not deserve children poor people do not deserve subsidised housing, poor people do not deserve education, poor people do not need Health services, poor people have no ambition, poor people have no place in society, only one more step to take….. poor people need to be put out of their misery ( include sick and disabled in this paragraph)


  9. Data should only be used by people who had consented.

    As for “unemployed people” to be used for clinical trials: How can this be considered a long term employment? many people who are currently unable to work have serious long term health issues.

    Suggestion: Members of the Houses of Windsor, Commons and Lords to be put forward for clinical experiments… They have time on their hands and it would be a good way to show they are giving something back to the community, instead of their current “something for nothing” wealth and property.


      1. I’ve also added screen shots of the relevant Universal Jobmatch pages, and a couple of links. The company responsible for widely advertising drugs trialing as “jobs” is Covance.


  10. anon, you are wrong in your information. It IS mandatory for dwp to have access!! I am unemployed and was forced to join universal job match. That isn’t an option, it’s now how they check to see how many jobs we apply for. Paper is out. For those w’out computers, they have to use the ones in the job centre. When I went to sign on after joining gov-uk site as I was told I must, I was told I HAD to make my page visible for DWP to have access. In fact, they came down on me like a ton of bricks about it. I also HAD to make at least one CV Public, despite it going against my wishes (I don’t want the world seeing my name and address and telephone number) I’m also on a mandatory “never ending course” for the last few months called Work Program. It basically means you go there and get grilled for 30mins about what you’ve been doing, by some power head. They then try and get you to apply for crap they’ve seen themselves that they think you should do. The next time you go, they want to know if you did what they said. I hate it!! It’s so stressful.


    1. Sian, you can be forced to join UJM, but you don’t have to allow them access. You have found to your cost that there are advisers that will bully and coerce you into allowing them access, perhaps by saying that you have to, but the official line is that you don’t have to.


  11. Nazi’s is a good analogy to use: allow me to elucidate, say, for example, a young woman of say 18-years of age has to be a medical guinea pig to get JSA and lets say the drugs pumped into her cause an horrific illness or terrible birth defects in her children in the future. How many class action lawsuits will there be when there’s no legal aid to sue and no disability benefits to claim for???
    It’s so terrifying how people are allowing them to get away with it, there again the way the govt moves is insideous and the I’m alright Jack attitude rules until they are effected.


  12. Interesting that “data Protection” is the first excuse trotted out to justify keeping information from us but that is conveniently forgotten when it’s OUR data that THEY want to make money from


      1. You’re welcome hun. It’s bloody disgusting is what it is. I’ve posted this on my facebook page too.
        This sort of thing should be in the main stream media but it isn’t (I wonder why)
        As my nanna used to say “there’s more than one way to skin a rabbit” so by putting this on facebook, I’m confident that we’ll get the message out there.
        God Bless X


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